yeah so the rain is falling again and the sun will not show its face for certes [again] and yeah
you have not run since monday [yeah] and it feels like forever and
you watched that tall bike documentary on your computer man they
were so mean to tony those stinky nerdy punk rockers and your throat hurts and your head
is full of snot your posse finally got you sick yeah and when you turn on the morning news you
hear someone
say "once again that is only if you have small fever blisters on the roof of your mouth" and
statement is immediately followed by a commercial where a happy woman dances with a swiffer or a broom or some shit
and you say holyfuckihaveblistersonthetopofmymouth what
am i supposed to do but when the news comes back they are talking about a puppy and both the
old lady holding the puppy and the puppy itself are wearing Burberry sweaters no that can't be right only
the old lady is wearing a Burberry sweater
do not wear five hundred dollar sweaters oh
yes they do says Google when checked after you find nothing on the TV station's web
site about ppl collapsing from fever blisters holy fuck
you say
i have fever blisters wtf does that mean i am going to die right someone just fuckin tell me i am fuckin stressed ok HEAR ME
have only run nine miles this week i am gaining weight i just know it i
am going to be fat holy fuck i ate bread yesterday do you hear me BREAD
of all things the fastest burning carbs.

upstairs -
the front loader smells like bleached whites and

the veggie stock on the stove is spreading the scent of cilantro and umm also the stench of the charred piece of garlic that fell over the side and beneath the pot and burned black
burned black and umm
the fish water is not warm yet and i need to get the tank squared away before the baby wakes up from his post breakfast nap and umm
oh yeah
today is friday but it feels like horrible day and the rain, man
it won't stop puddling in the street in front of my house dude i hate the rain i fucking hate it i
hear the planes overhead and salute them with a nod but it is a sad nod really i mean what else can it be i am sick
and broke and have nowhere to go and plus everyone in the house needs something from me
every five seconds HEAR ME i
don't care if i am half dead tomorrow i am going to run run run
i have had enough i
am a person too baby not someone you constantly remind how
good your life was a year and a half ago
[fuck it].

hey dude you

can call this ode to my mizuno's i suppose
and that would work just fine for me as a title