Personal Quotes Michelle Trachtenberg:

"I love gardening. I think it's very therapeutic when you're having a bad day."

[On being involved in a Buffy spin-off] "I didn't see myself continuing as Dawn because I like to have diversity in my roles. A lot of people are like: "Oh my God! Little Dawn grew up!" And as much as I love you guys, suck it up."

[On why she chose not to continue her role as Dawn Summers] "I felt like every year, my character got younger as I got older. The scripts even had me speaking grammatically incorrectly. So I had to do something else. Besides, the show is over. If you miss it, get the DVDs."

[on the future of Buffy] I'm sure that in some way, shape or form "Buffy" will be continued or the story, through the fans, because we do have such devoted fans and that's always been very sweet.

"One day I'd like to win an Oscar. But, I tell my mom if I ever get to be rude and demanding to let me know and I'll stop it. I don't want to be an actor like that."

"My confidence comes from me, Michelle, as a person. I don't necessarily believe that I will act and be a lead forever, but I want to continue to act for a long time. I love to do what I do."

"A fashion editor at Vogue, that would be awesome." (On her dream job)

"Anything you throw at me, I'll try to tackle."

"I adore London and Paris, and I hope to live in London for a period of time when I'm older."

"I love tennis. I tried gymnastics at one point, but my tush got a whole lot of black and blue so that wasn't fun."

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