1. k-y is for butt fuckin
2. the running store just called they have my nipguards
3. i want a new pair of brooks
4. my house is a noise factory
5. perhaps we quarter soldiers
6. the footsteps sound that heavy
7. how does crying babies make you feel
8. it makes me feel like jumping off the roof
9. dad my leg bleeded on the carpet in the den
10. dad she broke my bracelet
11. who lives in a pineapple under the sea
12. can i have my bug juice now
13. how bout now
14. ok ok gosh you're soooo mean
15. another possible lit agent
16. reading plantagenet fiction
17. more loud footsteps
18. oww i telling
19. just keep typing
20. you said you'd only be on the computer for a minute
21. it's been like five
22. dad the baby is still awake
23. dad she stole my laffy taffy
24. dad sam kissed freddy on icarly
25. dad do you think sam is pretty
26. just keep typing