you yeah 550 am in the misty black rain yeah

cant see the street cant see the sidewalk oh man this hurts that hurts dude keep going you are already covered in body glide and plus wet from the vaults just relax man just think about breathing onetwo onetwo habanero salsa again yesterday wft dumbass

a pretty girl is getting ready for work at

four babies are dreaming baby dreams onetwo onetwo inhale exhale

onetwo just go man loosen up onetwo

a girl is running toward you in the dark she says hi you say hi you realize who she is

themarathonchick you

say oh hey whatsup she laughs becuz you recognize her you pick up the pace pick up the pace running around the lake
running around the lake

dark shapes on the black water ducks and geese

the heron


opaque shapes on the water another lap here she comes again her babies are at home dreaming baby dreams you saw her daughter pick her wedge yesterday when you retrieved one of your daughters from a yard where random neighborhood kids were playing you

looked away themarathonchick
says no stroller today huh and you laugh and try to sound not winded and go nah
2 early right and then she is gone and
pick up the pace

pick up the pace at
home a pretty girl is getting ready for work and
behind you

the years are asking way loud why you wasted so fuckin many



5 for the 369 Crew:

Anonymous said...

stunning. a masterpiece. i will email you my panties.

xTx said...

my panties too. Hopefully your house is forklift friendly. (They're pretty large....)

lorianne said...

I imagined you running with your penis out to avoid further chafing.

ty bluesmith said...

omg i have friends.

and not just penis friends.

ok maybe penis friends.

friend my penis.

fuckin do it.

and don't try to kiss me unless you have proof of listerine.

gamefaced said...

fucking comments!