the sky was gray
the sky was dark
she sighed. "it's lamentable really. all
this prime riverfront real estate and nothing here but falling down old bldgs."

green banks. dead foliage. brown water.

on the west virginia side -

the wind raged and the industrialists shot white billows of smoke into the vaults and she said "this part of the state is so pretty and the ppl are so very poor. don't they realize how much the land is worth? why doesn't anyone build here?"

an errant curl fell across her glasses.
a cold nasty wind - an affirmation of the coming winter - rocked the car.

"this is pomeroy ohio" she said. "i wish you could've seen it on a better day."

he smiled at her and resumed his study of the bridge filling up the windshield in front of his face.
a bridge to west virginia.
a bridge to further poverty.
a bridge to nothing ever changes regardless of what gets promised every fourth november.

a bridge to nowhere -

he felt so sad inside.
he did not answer her. he could not think of a reply.