1254 | yeah but rotto... |

If the Internet disappeared I would have to wait weeks to read the following:

"We did review your proposal, and unfortunately we are going to pass on representing it. The premise just didn't resonate with us as much as we would have liked. Your book deserves an agent who can put the requisite enthusiasm behind it.

We appreciate the hard work and diligence needed to get in the door, and since this is a highly subjective business, you may well find success elsewhere. We wish you all the best with your writing."

And dude. That would totally suck. I mean. Then maybe a beautiful Friday afternoon might not be sullied in the least bit. Did you ever think of that? Do you ever think of me? Or is it just all you?

Tyrell Augustus Bluesmith III
Writing from the giant Wal Mart parking lot known as the state of Ohio.
