umm the park umm the squirrels were dropping buckeye bombs umm the leaves made the path slick umm the pregnant girl was there with her mother again umm she looks ready to burst umm the girl not the mom umm
i mean
i hope the mom is not going to burst from anything that would be weird like a movie but not a movie right
terrible hi
my name is ty and i like to move my feets while breathing in and out and saying ONE TWO THREE FOUR over and over in my mind hi
i told you that before hi
i was dodging a slow gentle rain hi
so good for the grass and the earth hi
says i and you smile and say hi back
how's it goin and i go really well becuz i mean it but at the same time i [hopefully without being obvious] push away the anxiety push it away man someone i used to care about is losing her marbles and taking it out on me dude and umm
like also
my sorry fucking pockets hold nuthin but lint baybay
nuthin but lint
but like umm ah where were we oh yeah right i smile and you smile and i send you good thoughts from here to there
and i
scrub off the body glide in the shower
throw the nip guards in the little steel garbage can and shave and put on clean clothes and look at my blue eyes in the mirror honey and say don't fret baby boy hey you are still alive man STILL ALIVE MAN i tell myself i am still alive baby and that makes me feel ok baby real ok i mean
i am still in the game after all this time and it feels so fucking good baby naw mean?