1957 (and if i die from it, y'all will have to read some powerful shizz at my funeral)

Hello niner. Just to let you know, I think I will get thigh or vagina cancer from all of the laptop exposure. The bottom of the laptop is emitting cancerous rays that are burrowing through my thigh fat and pubis flesh so that they can settle in to my bones and muscle tissue and start eating away at my good health. Cancer is probably black. Black and slightly spongy. Hungry motherfucking cancer cells. Hungrier than Hungry Hungry Hippos. Cantankerous with murder on their collective minds. I LOVE YOU JESUS CHRIST. JESUS CHRIST I LOVE YOU, YES I DO. ANAL FISSURES! Sorry, outside influences on my laptop cancer writing. You can put that into your pipe and smoke it. I think otto doesn’t write here so often because the awesome would kill the fuck out of the niner and we would be kaput. Like jews in a Christmas oven. Burned, blackened and mourned for centuries.

I am on my period.