like out of nowhere i guess i mean yeah they were kind of talking shit back and forth for a few minutes but like dude went up to the mixed dude right and was like whassupmotherfuckerwhassup and
the other guy said anything dude hit him in the mouth i mean blood went everywhere and then dude did some superfast hong kong phooey type mma stuff and put homeboy's head in like a leglock or some shit and started beating dude in his grill with his elbow chicks
were screaming and
the bouncers ran their lard asses over and their
nasty black been-washed-a-hundred-times security shirts came untucked on acct of the sudden motion but the mma dude's boys [guidos] were all youbetterstaythefuckoutofthisshit and
the bouncers did man they
just stood there looking fat oh and that israeli chick who goes out with diego was like
idk. kinda pedestrian right but
i suppose the good part was that i dipped without paying my tab [80 dollars] during the melee i mean
not to be a cheapskate or anything but that blood bucket of a lounge couldn't even protect my safety and shit i mean fuck em right hey
how was your saturday nite holla