serena was shaking her racket at a judge serena said she would shove the ball down the woman's throat jim carroll was dead or jim carroll was dying they were
in the city that used to be your home you
read carroll and read carroll and fought with your mother and
skipped school and stole snapples and bought dope on rivington before that high falootin dago erased the soul of your
city man
the judge said serena threatened to kill her and
carroll was dead or
dying and
were passed out on the bathroom floor in between bouts of puking yup
alcohol poisoning you
carried the basketball diaries around with you man
years before dicaprio ruined them man
that stuff was like a private communication across the decades to you [man]
to think of her that way RIP jim carroll you
made a young boy feel like maybe
the asdf wasn't such a bad place to spend the decades
man and i will never forget that [man] and
i've been doing it ever since.