the republic of bsmith ni hao wel
come to the republic of b
smith hold on for a sec
music break [don't
shoot shoot shoot that
thing at me you know you got
my sympathy
but don't shoot shoot shoot
that thing at me]
man so like
anyway the situation is as fol
one is at a wedding down south and the
other is sick from eating poisoned pigs and i am here all by myself plus totally remiss on acct of
kourtney with a k no longer works at the grocery store
kourtney with a k
and also sweet auditor wanna know what else?
ok good here goes: hot immigrant moms never wear old chuck's
to target nope nossir they do not they match
and their children match and i am always like
man this is target you don't have to go all chameleon
camo with the carts you short little dark delight no
you do not
i mean por ejemplo
kourtney with a k had freckles and jeans that were tight at the bottom
and slip on vans she
was from here yeah just sayin not
ism or anything
but umm yeah
truth be told i would fuck them both that sexy immigrant mom
and umm also
kourtney with a k only kourtney is gone
like the robins and the geese gone from my skies
from my life like the summer
like my youth
like every dream i ever had hold me baybee make it all ok for little johnny if you plz
yeah hello my name is a lot of things but right now
you can call me tyrell or mr ty or pimp juice barksdale
[and i want my fuckin corners]
:cable tv reference:
yeah umm you can call me any old name you like but right now
rotto is in the south and xtx is sick and somewhere retweeting something
and this lonely motherfucking blog is mine all
mine and there is nothing you can do about it besides keep reading
or click that little
bless ya bad self and keep on livin.