I feel drugged. Slugged. I feel like a paralyzed man who just got movement back but then he’s like, do I really want to start moving again? So many expectations … I will blink my answers in morse code to y’all. Please learn morse code so I can just remain on this couch with my legs wrapped in blankets like I am being prepared for the catacombs bless.

I really want “someone” to get me a coffee from Starbucks. I want to say, hey, please please infinity can you go get me a coffee from starbucks cuz i am fucking paralyzed. Anyway, I know they wont. They will want me to move myself from this couch and go with them to starbucks. Because “they” like “being with me.” The nerve. Where can I get some big-dicked slave robots who will leave me alone and also do shit for me?

My first thought this morning was about taking a small pair of scissors and cutting flies’ wings in half. All of the little half wing pieces would look like teeny tiny shiny gray fish scales. I might blow them away with my mouth air or inhale them and want to puke. All the flies with their half wings will walk away pissed, kicking cans, muttering expletives. Who can blame them? I’d be pissed too if I had the means to fly and then some bitch just took it away for no good reason.

There is an analogy to my life in the above paragraph maybe somehow.

Where is my antidote?

Blink bliiiink blink blink blinkblink bliiink bliiiiink

That means, ‘ride our Niner nuts’.