the kids used to eat everything and i mean everything capital letters like bread with grease and lemon rind-sicles and waffles with paste. i would prop them up and their faces would dig right in, grunts and all. dessert would be washing their faces with a warm washcloth and putting them to bed in order to begin the fucking at a reasonable hour. by the time orgasms had occurred their restlessness would begin and their timing was impeccable as if they knew mommy and daddy needed their coming.

but now the kids dont eat a thing unless they are forced. see, my daughter wants only vegetables that were grown for royalty. where do you get that, really? the twins, my boys, think their pubes wont grow in if they ingest any dairy. they've also outlawed meat because they say dairy comes from animals no matter what or at least comes from mammals with the 'breast milk shit' they say they curse and i scold them. the boys are set on getting as many pubes as possible before they start high school. i catch them drinking beer to keep their strength up. "Dad says it's 'the food of men' and we are men" I tell this to their father and he just says, "put them to bed, let's begin the fucking' I try to tell him we have to make sure the children eat or they could die. He closes the door, locks it and pushes my head down. I think about how to tie the children so their mouths are the only things open. I think about where to buy nutritional pastes I can shove inside their mouths, make them eat it. I think about holding their lips closed until they swallow telling them, 'please, please swallow.' I think about this while on my knees. I think that what i am thinking of is apropos.